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In the modern era of engagements, socail disturbances, trick of globalization, attacks of sexual perversion, politico-social corruption..... deterioration of civilization........ bad net of unemployment, youthlessness........ worklessness....... defragmentaion of morality and ethics....... injustice...... falseness of 3rd world order........ so called the new era of modernization has forced the intellectuals to think for the establishment of Psycho-social Institute in Sindh. What will be venue, and how to raise the funds....... it is the topic of the week (not a day)..........please go on....
Dear Dr.Shah, With best regards I read your perception and appreciate that you had identified a sector dire needed by Sindh where illetercy had gripped almost every section of economy. In my best ability, I believe that Govt plus NGO's both local and international are the best cure to inject finance in this regard. Further at initial stage Banks and multi-national corp would definitaly give their due share if they're assured that money (Funds) will be judiciously applied or executed. Being an economist, I believe that affluent class whom i had found quite sound in financial and social arena will be enough if they participated accurately their active role and with exuberent and rhetoric approach, I assure you that it'll be wirth enough then begging from the outside world. I hope that better late than never criteria will be adopted in this regard. Pschylogy will improve perception and perception in return bring rhetoric environment with sound fiancial cum political and social uplift. Hourly need is to be wake and waken-up. I fully agreed whatever depiction you had given to bring this institute in to limelight. Hope like you Mr. Shah the rest of the Sindhis will come-up with the excellent but practicle ideas. Thanking in anticipation Regards Piece-de-resistance