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Sindhu Desh will never be free until organized action is taken to bring about the independence of the Sindh province of Pakistan. The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) had many colonized nations under its hegemony, such as the Tajik nation, Uzbek nation, Kyrghiz nation, Kazakh nation, Turkmen nation, and etc. All of these nations gained independence for their nations through seeking independence at the same time, this way they all overwhelmed the Russian central government, and won freedom for their nations.
In the same regard Sindhu Desh will assuredly gain independence if it declares independence from Pakistan with the nationalists and majority populace of the Pakhtoon nation (N.W.F.P. and F.A.T.A.) and Baloch nation declaring independence in concert with the Sindhu Desh (nation).